Keep Your EV Events Charged

Enhance audience experiences, tap into the growing electric vehicle (EV) market, and stay ahead in an evolving industry.

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Keep Electric Vehicles Charged at Any Kind of Event

We specialize in providing EV charging solutions for events, ensuring attendees can fully embrace and enjoy the occasion. Whether it's a corporate event, music festival, or trade show, offering reliable and convenient EV servicing options enhances the overall attendee experience. With our mobile infrastructure and dedicated support, servicing EVs at events becomes a seamless and valuable addition to any occasion.

Keep Events Running Smoothly with Portable EV Chargers

Charge Events of All Sizes

Service EV events of all sizes

Service events of all sizes

Our EV charging solutions are customizable to satisfy your events specific needs. We have portable EV chargers and a variety of services that are tailored to you.
Charge EVs Anywhere

Charge electric vehicles anywhere

Charge electric vehicles anywhere

All of SparkCharge's products and services are independent of the grid while charging so we can bring the EV charge to the vehicle.
Host Sustainable Events

Host sustainable events anywhere

Host sustainable events anywhere

Your attendees will feel confident knowing you event prioritizes partnership with sustainable mobile EV charging soltuions.

Attract a Broader Audience to Your Events

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Impress Your Audience With Unmatched Convenience

Differentiate your event by offering top-tier EV charging services. By partnering with SparkCharge, you'll draw in a broader audience of eco-conscious attendees, including EV enthusiasts and early adopters. Make your event a standout destination for electric vehicle owners seeking charging convenience.

Lead the Charge

Learn more about the EV and EV charging industry, stay up to date on the latest tech, and keep up with SparkCharge in the news.

Captivate Your Audience with Mobile Charging