EV Charging for Businesses: How to Optimize Roadside Services

As the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) continues to rise, businesses that provide roadside service face new challenges and opportunities. Offering electric car charging services can be a significant advantage in attracting and retaining customers, as well as optimizing your overall roadside service operations. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of integrating commercial EV charging stations into your roadside service offerings. We will discuss the different levels of charging stations, their costs, the key differences between Level 2 and Level 3 charging stations and mobile charging as a service. By understanding the importance of EV charging infrastructure and implementing the most effective charging solutions, your business can position itself as a leader in the growing market of electric vehicle charging.

How much does a Level 3 charging station cost?

To optimize your roadside service with commercial EV charging, it's essential to understand the costs associated with installing Level 3 charging stations. Level 3 charging stations, also known as DC fast charging stations, provide rapid charging capabilities that allow EV drivers to quickly recharge their vehicles and resume their journeys. The cost of installing a Level 3 charging station can vary based on several factors, including the manufacturer, power capacity, and site-specific requirements.

On average, Level 3 charging stations can range from $50,000 to $100,000 or more, for just the equipment costs. While this investment may seem substantial, it is a long-term investment that can attract a growing number of EV driving customers to your roadside service. Another consideration is the growth of EVs. While the initial investment may service your existing needs, you'll need to try to anticipate future needs. Infrastructure can take up to 12-24 months to install so you want to find an EV charging solution that will scale with your business. As the demand for fast charging stations continues to increase, providing Level 3 charging infrastructure can position your business as a forward-thinking service provider and help you gain a competitive edge in the market.


What is the difference between Level 2 and Level 3 charging stations?

To optimize your roadside service with commercial EV charging, it's important to understand the differences between Level 2 and Level 3 charging stations. Level 2 charging stations provide a moderate charging speed and are commonly used for residential and commercial applications. They typically deliver power between 3.3 kW and 19.2 kW, offering a full charge for most electric vehicles overnight.

Level 2 chargers are suitable for businesses that offer EV charging as an amenity, such as hotels, restaurants, or shopping centers, where drivers have more time to spend. These charging stations provide a convenient way for EV drivers to charge their vehicles while engaging in other activities, such as dining or shopping.

On the other hand, Level 3 charging stations offer high-power DC fast charging, allowing EV drivers to quickly recharge their vehicles in a matter of minutes. These stations deliver power ranging from 25 kW to 350 kW, depending on the manufacturer and model. Level 3 charging stations are essential for businesses focused on providing efficient roadside service and catering to customers who require fast charging options during their journeys.

By understanding the differences between Level 2 and Level 3 charging stations, you can make an informed decision on the appropriate charging infrastructure for your roadside service. If your business primarily caters to customers who have more time to spend, Level 2 charging stations may be sufficient. However, if you aim to provide efficient charging solutions for EV drivers on the go, Level 3 charging stations or mobile charging should be considered to optimize your roadside service.

What are the benefits of mobile Charging-as-a-Service (CaaS)?

Roadside service providers that cater to EV drivers can greatly benefit from offering mobile CaaS. By providing electric vehicle charging directly to EV-driving customers at the site, this solution eliminates the need for towing and ensures the safety and integrity of customers' EVs. Portable charging solutions offer flexibility and convenience, allowing service providers to install charging stations on-site, regardless of their location. This is particularly advantageous in areas with limited public charging infrastructure, as it enhances the overall experience for EV drivers by providing reliable charging options and saving them time and hassle. Moreover, the use of portable charging equipment eliminates the requirement for permanent EV charging stations, reducing installation costs and simplifying the integration of EV charging into roadside service operations. With these distinct advantages, mobile EV charging solutions become an indispensable tool for roadside service providers, empowering them to efficiently address the charging needs of EV drivers.

Optimizing your roadside service with commercial EV charging:

Enhancing customer experience:

  • By offering EV charging services, you have the opportunity to attract a growing number of EV drivers to your roadside service. EV-driving customers value businesses that provide convenient charging options, as it eliminates the worry of running out of battery power during their trips. By integrating charging stations into your service locations, you create an incentive for EV drivers to choose your business over competitors. This enhances their overall experience and promotes customer loyalty, as they can rely on your charging infrastructure to support their EV charging needs.

Increasing revenue streams:

  • Installing charging infrastructure can create an additional revenue stream for your business. EV drivers are willing to pay for the convenience of fast charging solutions, especially when they take long trips or don't have access to home charging. By offering competitive pricing plans and promoting your charging services, you can generate consistent income while serving the needs of the EV community. This additional revenue can contribute to the overall profitability of your roadside service and provide a return on investment for the charging infrastructure.

Expanding your customer base:

  • By seamlessly integrating EV charging into your roadside assistance, you can enhance customer satisfaction, attract new customers, and establish yourself as the preferred provider for electric vehicle owners. This approach aligns with the values of sustainability and eco-friendly solutions, tapping into the growing customer segment of EV drivers. By eliminating the stress of finding a charging station, providing a reliable and efficient charging experience during assistance events, and demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and cultivate increased loyalty, positive recommendations, and a strong reputation within the EV community. Investing in infrastructure, training, and streamlining processes will lead to improved customer satisfaction and long-term business growth, positioning your business for success in the evolving transportation landscape. Embrace the growing market of electric vehicles and optimize your roadside service with EV charging to elevate your business.

Enhancing sustainability and meeting goals:

  • Integrating EV charging into your roadside service can enhance the sustainability of your operations and help meet environmental, social, and corporate governance goals. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting clean transportation, you contribute to a more sustainable future. Electric vehicles play a crucial role in the transition to cleaner transportation options, and by providing EV charging infrastructure, you actively support this shift. This commitment to sustainability can resonate with environmentally conscious customers, who are increasingly making choices based on eco-friendly considerations.

Integrating commercial EV charging into your roadside service can optimize your operations and position your business for success in the growing market of electric vehicle charging. By attracting more customers, establishing your brand as a sustainability leader, increasing revenue streams, and enhancing the overall customer experience, EV charging can be a transformative addition to your business. Whether you choose Level 3 charging stations for rapid charging or Level 2 stations for longer stays, it's important to assess your business needs and customer demands. With the right charging infrastructure, your roadside service can thrive in the evolving landscape of electric vehicle adoption.


EV Charging Basics: How to Provide Mobile EV Charging Services


How Portable DC Fast Chargers Benefit Your Roadside Business